Hair Transplantation Aftercare

You will have sutures at the harvest site; a wrapped dressing or bulky bandages are usually not necessary. Dr. Fechner asks that you have someone to drive you home or to the local hotel, as you will need to be watched overnight, keeping the site protected and sleeping with the head elevated. You will then return to Dr. Fechner’s office the following day for an evaluation. After this initial follow up visit you will be sent home with instructions to not exercise for 14 days. You can shower upon your return home, but should not shampoo your hair for 72 hours. You will experience some crusting at the restoration site over the next week; it is important that you do not pick at it.

One needs to have realistic expectations for after hair restoration. Your transplanted hair will be of the same quality and texture of your donor site. If you have wavy dense hair this will be what grows in the new restored area. After some growth for a few weeks, the transplanted hair will fall out! This is a normal part of the recovery after hair transplantation. New hair will grow in its place and you will likely see new growth within 3-6 months, but it may take as long as 10-12 months for you to enjoy the complete impact of your restoration. If a second transplantation session was planned for further improvements, Dr. Fechner recommends waiting a minimum of 12 months.

Contact Dr. Fechner for hair transplantContact Dr. Fechner today for your own consultation.